We had a bit of train confusion but eventually made it to Central Station where we then had a bit of street confusion but eventually made it to Aivengo Youth Hostel where we paid our bill, dropped our bags, and set out in search of a Coffee Shop. For lunch we went to a whole-foods-esque place which really hit the spot and left me full for 24 hours. Not even joking. Jess and I split off from the group for a bit to cuddle, nap, and explore. After lots of wandering around pretty canals lit with twinkle lights and dodging cars, trams, and bikes we grabbed a quick dinner and then headed to bed.
being so _____
(Dutch, awk, cute...you pick.)
(Dutch, awk, cute...you pick.)
Amsterdam Kitty #1 caught yawning and a red light district house
(please excuse the poor photo quality, I know it's not up to my usual standards)
my amazing pancake and a horsie
(please please please click the horse to enlarge and notice that he's sticking his tongue out. Charlotte, for some reason I feel like you'll love this the most.)
amazing flowers at the flower market
Jess and I hacering "shady deals" at Coco's
(we're sneakily eating a Carrot Cake Cliff Bar...)
Sunday morning Jess, Steffi, Greta, and I left the hostel around 10 on a very rainy Sunday morning to meet up with Isabel at a cafe famous for its hot chocolate where I met Amsterdam Kitty #2. The hot chocolate was indeed very good (it was served as hot milk with chocolate chunks in the bottom and you stirred it yourself!), as was the homemade whipped cream that was served on the side and topped with chocolate chips! The rain didn't look like it was going to let up so we canceled our plans to rent bikes and instead walked along the Keizersgracht Canal towards FOAM: Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam. We spent some time looking at the two exhibitions there and took advantage of our time inside to dry and warm up before making our way towards the Van Gogh Museum where we had plans to meet the rest of the girls. We spent a couple hours in the very crowded but very neat museum; I especially liked the collection of his sketches on envelopes and restaurant menus. Jess and I also were such creepers and drank the whole container of milk that was supposed to be for coffee in the cafe (but with the correct amount of confidence, nobody is going to question your beverage choice.) Some of us went to a cafe where they were playing live music to get some lunch before deciding to basically call it a day. I spent the evening in the hostel working on some schoolwork before venturing out with Steffi for some falafel which was amazing. Maybe better than Amir's. Maybe. After one last outing with Jess in our PJ's (literally) to Any Day Coffee Shop, we went to sleep.
tulips in a cafe and tickling with grape vines
This morning we all made it to the airport for our 9:55 flight back to Madrid. Upon landing, we all hurried home to our Senora's to eat a quick lunch before going to class. I was especially nervous because I had to present a powerpoint with five other students in front of one of my classes at Autonoma. Although it was very scary to stand up in front of thirty Spanish speakers I tried my best to not struggle too much with the pronunciation of words such as "antropocentrismo" and "desmoronamiento" and upon finishing my part gave my best I'm-American-so-cut-me-some-slack smile and giggle before breathing a sigh of relief and stepping down from the front of the classroom and letting my Spanish partners take over. They said I did a fine job so there. Now I'm absolutely exhausted but must keep on trekking full speed ahead. After a full recovery from strep throat I'm going back to yoga tomorrow before my Autonoma class, meeting with two professors about tests that I have on Wednesday, and then getting cozy in Cafe Comercial for hours tomorrow night. I wish I could be studying for middies in Reffy with my Naisybear but McDreamy will have to do for now. Very much looking forward to my week in Paris with Stina and hopefully seeing my Lizzle on Friday then Mommy and Dana come so soon. Charmanda Charmanda I love Charlotte Hess. Night night!
wow, your level of detail is impressive (all the while being entertaining and not tedious!) I was about to write mine, but my planned "it was cool, crooked buildings, shady deals, rain" will just not do anymore! I might need more time. Did you get and GET my rock paper scissors bumper sticker?
ahhh char got a shoutout.. i love the ends of your blogs when we all get shout outs! I LOVE THOSE KITTIES. espeeeeciallllly the one on the bar. HOUSING - let's a toyger kitten!
i love you baby. i'm in BIG ROOM 2 studying. GROSS.
"I wish I could be studying for middies in Reffy with my Naisybear [and no one else]."
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