First of all, this kitten is adorable. Second of all, we finally figured out how to say "to cuddle" in Spanish. ACURRUCARSE. click here to learn how to conjugate it.
Last night a bunch of us went to this bar/cafe that has basically every board game imaginable (well, minus "Vida" and "Manzanas a Manzanas"...), it was amazing. We played Scrabble (in English and Spanish...and I used a French word), drank sangria (obviously), and ate chocolate cake (obviously).
Notice the LL and RR...and a total lack of Spanish is that? We also played a pretty heated game of "Tabu" in Spanish like the true Spaniards that we are.
Today Maya, Vera, Jess, and I ventured out to the Palacio Real. The weather is really beginning to warm up so it was the perfect day to wander around and the interior of the palace is the most insane thing I've ever seen (photos weren't allowed so you'll have to just take my word for it).
After visiting the palace Maya and I went on a hunt for a store we heard of called The American Store. According to their website they sell goldfish but unfortunately the website lies. In an attempt lessen our feelings of disappointment and despair Maya settled for Pizza Combos and I opted for Ritz Bitz. We then proceeded to get extremely lost trying to walk home (my spidey sense failed me.) but finally made it. Unfortunately I'm about to give into one temptation in order to avoid another: going to Starbucks to do some work instead of taking a nap. Oh well, at least I lasted two weeks without my drink!
What an adorable kitten!!
cute kitty baby.
combos!? you allowed combos!!!!??????
also.. heath ledger?! is currently in the progress of choosing chess blogs/clubs to receive recognition from as Top Resources. This award is not meant to be anything other than a recognition that your blog/Clubs gives information about board games and their tactics that directly or in directly raise chess awareness. Simply place the award banner code on your site and your resource will be listed as a Top CHESS Resources on once you place it. is a Private Global Chess Server which offer FREE Chess Games and Guidelines for learning chess and whose goal is to promote Chess (which game has lost his fan base) through the spread of information globally. Thank you for your dedication to your Club/blogs. Please reply me back with the subject line as your URL to avoid spam and to make sure that you only get the award banner.
Title: Chess/play chess.
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